Pleading a Cause - Persuasive Writing 
I am leaning to write Persuasively.
I pretended I was the King of Athens. I wrote a letter to King Minos, pleading for the lives of the youths who are to be fed to the Minotaur.
I gave at least 3 reasons why their lives should be spared.
do you think I convinst king Mions
Dear King Minos,
I am writing to you about the fate of the nine doomed youths. I plead for their release on the grounds that:
My first reason is the nine youths do not deserve to die because they didn’t do anything wrong.
My second reason is they could make a good life and it is not fair on them to die.
My third reason is when they are older they will make fine warriors and families .
Now these are my reasons, so stop feeding them to that Minotaur
Yours faithfully,
King of Athens